
Tales of Suspense # 43 /Der Eiserne # 5, Williams 1976, CGC 9.8 , TOP POP, single highest grade


CGC 9.8 Universal
CGC Certification number :  # 4474495006
page quality : White
reprints with the ORIGINAL cover of ToS 43 on 32 pages :
1) Tales of Suspense 43 “Iron Man versus Kala, Queen of the Netherworld”, Marvel 1963
2) Tales to Astonish 38 “Betrayed by the Ants”, Marvel 1962
3) World of Fantasy 10, Marvel
to check the CGC census, please look under “Tales of Suspense 43”, then Williams Verlag
Please ask for more pics anytime.
please note:
reprints Tales of Suspense 43 in German with the ORIGINAL cover;
TOP POP, single highest grade;
reprints also Tales to Astonish 38, “Betrayed by the Ants”, Marvel 1962;
reprints also World of Fantasy 10, Marvel.




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